Throw kindness around like confetti.


The message never came Grief

The message never came

the gun heard the first shot     the gun thought it was a bursting pipe    thegun heard the second shot and the third      and the fourth      the gun…
let the pain be pain Grief

let the pain be pain

The Cure- We think we get over things. We don’t get over things. Or say, we get over the measles but not a broken heart. We need to make that distinct…
I was wrong. Death

I was wrong.

I feel like the best way to describe the odyssey of grief I’ve been on since my mom died nine years ago is that it’s like how it felt to drive from Pi…
We will be your tether Grief

We will be your tether

poem for the broken open:you who hold yourself togetheragainst all odds of yet another daywho move through the ache and echoof a vast and now empty ro…
The Forever War is Over Grief

The Forever War is Over

On Monday night, after a 20-year war that claimed 170,000 lives, cost over $2 trillion and did not defeat the Taliban, the United States completed its…