One of the really good things about working in Mission Control (a small group of us work on the technical aspects of the Livestream every Sunday morni…
NAHB-Glassdoor-ReviewDownload I'm taking classes in AI and had fun finding this review and asking ChatGPT to create a blog about it. From ChatGPT... I…
Sabbath in the Suburbs by MaryAnn McKibben Dana My rating: 5 of 5 stars When I got this book & saw that it was aimed at a "family's" experiment in obs…
I was totally blown away by this book, Blue Nights by Joan Didion. I read it all in one day, which is unusual for me. I can't even imagine dealing wit… Review Amazon Best Books of the Month, August 2011: Amy Waldman has performed a rare and dangerous feat in writing an airtight, multi-viewe…
Admittedly, I haven't watched many of Conan O'Brien's shows but I still admire him as a talented comedian and a guy that's very inventive in his craft…
So you’ve adjusted to the new music economy. You know the big acts have little to gain from making the album of their lives, because only a few of the…
November 26, 2009, Community Standard or Double Standard? By ALESSANDRA STANLEY It wasn’t really the man-on-man kiss or the simulated oral sex that ma…