Are you insane? If your ancestors lived in the U.S., they could have faced that question in censuses past. A census agent surveying a family in Chicag…
Well, I’ve slept on it (for a few hours anyway)...My favorite movies are always ones that I keep thinking about over and over and over again. That bei…
Luke's kitty Nova came to live with me in November and suddenly passed away just last week. We were all devastated how quickly she declined but on the…
Liberal Friends, listen to this right now: Democratic Nominees are not clay pigeons. I repeat. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES ARE NOT CLAY PIGEONS. But, Emily, w…
At the turning of the year I often find myself praying for clarity -- clarity of vision, clarity of purpose. Martha Postlewaite's poem, "Clearing" exp…
Reminder: The Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior — which includes national parks — Justi…