Throw kindness around like confetti.

Happy March…Happy Resilience

From Rob Hardies, my pastor at All Souls Church, Unitarian comes this:
springThough the dry leaves still cling to the oak tree’s branches outside my study window, below I see the first green shoots of crocus pushing up through the dark earth. March is the month of the earth’s return to life-it’s the month the earth bounces back. In so doing, she reminds us of an important quality of the soul-resilience. Resilience is our ability to bounce back from loss, setback or despair. After love, it is perhaps the most important human attribute. Resilience will be the subject of our reflection in worship and in small groups this month, and to start us off I offer you this poem by the Mexican poet Octavio Paz.


after chopping off all the arms that reached out to me;
after boarding up all the windows and doors;
after filling all the pits with poisoned water;
after building my house on the rock of no,
inaccessible to flattery and fear;
after cutting off my tongue and eating it;
after hurling handfuls of silence
and monosyllable of scorn at my loves;
after forgetting my name;
and the name of my birthplace;
and the name of my race;
after judging and sentencing myself
to perpetual waiting,
and perpetual loneliness, I heard
against the stones of my dungeon of syllogisms,
the humid, tender, insistent
onset of spring.