Throw kindness around like confetti.

Could Have

This poem was posted by Andrew Sullivan, honoring the 2 slain photojournalists in Libya.

For me, I think it also applies to the people of AL and the south who endured nature’s rage.

“Could Have,” by Wislawa Szymborska, and translated below from the Polish.

It could have happened.
It had to happen.
It happened earlier. Later.
Nearer. Farther off.
It happened, but not to you.

You were saved because you were the first.
You were saved because you were the last.
Alone. With others.
On the right. The left.
Because it was raining. Because of the shade.
Because the day was sunny.

You were in luck — there was a forest.
You were in luck — there were no trees.
You were in luck — a rake, a hook, a beam, a brake,
A jamb, a turn, a quarter-inch, an instant …

So you’re here? Still dizzy from
another dodge, close shave, reprieve?
One hole in the net and you slipped through?
I couldn’t be more shocked or
how your heart pounds inside me.