Only one thing has united D.C. residents as much as a national trophy from the Nats, Mystics or Caps. Covid-19. This town has nearly unanimously hunke…
The Apple Family on Zoom. I missed the middle performance, darn it, but caught the final one tonight. In it, the younger brother who is now the age of…
One of the things I miss most during the pandemic are the plays on Broadway. But, thankfully, 'artists gonna art' and this theatre group brought me/us…
"The pandemic has a profound effect on all five senses. Some who have the virus lose the ability to smell or taste. We all see images of crowded hospi…
It's coming to pass My countries coming apart The whole thing's becoming Such a bumbling farce Was that a pivotal historical moment We just went stumb…
Pandemic What if you thought of itas the Jews consider the Sabbath—the most sacred of times?Cease from travel.Cease from buying and selling.Give up, j…